Membership for the Marine Corps League is open to all Marines, Former Marines, and FMF Corpsmen.
To join the Marine Corps League as a regular member, you must have served in the United States Marine Corps or FMF Corpsmen for more than 90 days, the character of your service has been honorable, and if discharged you are in receipt of an honorable discharge, and be willing to provide proof of service (DD 214) with your application, and service or social security number.
Regular Members and Associate Members are all qualified for Life Membership.
Life Rates for 2016
18 to and including 35 years $500.00
36 to and including 50 years $400.00
51 to and including 64 years $600.00
over 65 years $200.00
Note: You may become a Life Member immediately upon joining the Detachment.
You would be required to pay your first years Annual Fee plus the Life Member Fee.
Example: 86 year old New Member who wants to become a Life Member immediately.$30.00 + $100.00 = $130.00
For answers to your questions, email for more information.